Our Response to the Threads on David's Life by Steve Beckow
Salutari din partea Federatiei:
Noi vom veni indeferent de gandurile, emotiile sau sentimentele voastre fata de noi. Aceasta face parte din contractul nostru nu cu voi, ci cu divinul. Noi avem o intelegere din care nu putem iesi. Spre deosebire de voi, noi nu putem sa ne manifestam liberul arbitru dupa cum dorim. El este ceea la ce am renuntat in schimbul conectarii la sursa divina. Aceasta face parte dintr-o forma mai inalta de existenta. Noi vom veni indiferent. Atata lucru este sigur.
Exista multi intre voi care au decis sa ridiculizeze si sa intoarca spatele la toate cate au fost discutate de atata vreme. Unii dintre voi faceti aceasta pentru “a pune pariu” impotriva a ceea ce voi simtiti ca ar fi catalogat ca “rusinos” fata de ce ati ales sa credeti, in comparatie cu cei care exista in “lumea reala”, de zi cu zi – platind facturi, castigandu-si traiul zilnic, mancand, band si socializand. In contrast, noi ne aflam intr-o pozitie delicata si toate cele pentru care noi existam, va pun in pozitia de a fi considerati nebuni. Noi recunoastem acest stigmat si v-am admirat, pentru o lunga perioada de timp, pentru daruirea voastra in a prelua aceasta greutate, a ceea ce pentru voi este decat o credinta. Vasta majoritate a voastra nu au avut nici un contact cu noi, nu ne-au vazut navele , nu au nici o posibilitate de a stii daca aceasta este adevarat, mai mult decat credinta voastra. Voi doar de curand ati fost treziti la abilitatea voastra de a discerne cu inima voastra in loc de a discerne cu intelectul.
Acum noi am ajuns la propriile noastre rascruci. Misiunea noastra divina se afla la limita realitatii voastre. Si in vreme ce noi nu suntem din vremurile voastre, noi va cunoastem vremurile. Noi intelegem termenii cu care voi ati devenit frustrati si pe care noi i-am folosit de atat de multa vreme. Noi va spunem ca ei au fost folositi pentru a va ridica frecventele vibrationale, deoarece este cu atat mai usor sa comunicam cu voi personal in acest mod. Densitatea voastra altfel este prea mult pentru ca noi sa o putem accepta. Ea insa nu este prea mult incat sa nu putem ajunge la voi, dar este dureros pentru noi sa ne aflam in prezenta unui asemenea nivel de ganduri necontrolate si negativitate, chiar si la o scara mica. Acestea sunt preferintele existentei din dimensiunile mai inalte. Noi am incercat sa va explicam aceste lucruri, dar voi ati ales sa le interpretati in termeni tridimensionali si aceasta nu va poate oferi o imagine reala a nivelului acestei dificultati.
Problema exista pentru voi in a astepta schimbari masive ale constiintei, in felul in care este realitatea voastra si in toate aspectele vietii voastre, de parca noi ne-am napusti asupra tuturor acestor aspecte si am rezolva totul cu o bagheta magica. Schimbarile sunt gradate si uneori dificil de vazut, dar ele au loc in permanenta in jurul vostru, chiar si in timp ce voi cititi aceste cuvinte. Ceea ce intentionam sunt schimbarile despre care v-am vorbit. Cautati-le in doze mai mici si poate ca nu veti fi atat de dezamagiti.
Vremurile noastre impreuna se apropie, va asiguram. Ramaneti fermi ancorati in principiile si convingerile voastre. Si sa stiti ca noi suntem alaturi de voi in iubire si recunostinta pentru alianta noastra comuna.
Fiti in pace.
1. They are not common airliners going to land in either Landvetter airport nor Göteborg city Airport, since they are not even detected by radar nor the actual software designed by Landvetter Airport itself to keep track of their own flights. Keep in mind that this software even detects, unknown military crafts for example.
2. They are flying to low to be civilian crafts and should therefore be violating altitude laws.
3. They are completely silent or mostly silent, any normal jet or airliner would make our whole building shake at that close range.
4. The nearest airport is over 30 kilometers away from here, it makes no sense at all that they would be using landing lights when they are so far away from the airport.
5. I have been filming and recording these crafts for over 1 years, i got over 240 videos on my channel, so no i did not jump to any conclusions about this being a UFO the first thing i did..
6. UFO means unidentified flying object, i am very aware of that and i know that there is a possibility that this is a black ops craft of some sort which could make it man-made.
7. They are flying way to slow for common airliners or jets, sometimes i am able to run faster than they are flying (and i do not run fast)
8. They sometimes land in forests or mountains.
9. They are being seen and reported all over the world.
10. They can change shape and locations of their blinkers and lights, they can even change their whole structure.
11. We have checked through hundreds of different satellites and their whereabouts, not even one satellite passes by our town our city, so these are not satellites or I.S.S as many seem to believe.
12. We have countless of experiences regarding these crafts, we have both seen them shapeshift on several occasions and we did not jump to any conclusions about this until we saw it with our own eyes.
13. These crafts are usually followed by small orbs.
14. There is no military base nearby, nearest one is 25 kilometers away.
15. I have lived here for over 20 years, i know the surroundings very well and i also know how a normal aircraft looks and have seen them since being a small child.
16. Normal Airliners do not follow the flying routes made by the unknown crafts.
Please think about this before commenting, thus preventing wasting both your own time and mine by reading this text.
Enjoy this sighting!
http://greeckwanderer.blogspot.com/ - GREEK
channelings and related matters are being discussed on First Contact Radio.
The show is hosted by Dutch Lightworker Maarten Horst and is presented in English.
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